

Future of Education Technology Conference

Join iboss and Senior Education Advisors at FETC for Two Important Interactive Workshops January 23 11-1p.m. and January 24, 8:00a.m. – 10a.m.

Monday January 23, 11-1p.m: Getting beyond IT: Creating a Cybersecurity Ecosystem within your District

A general assumption in most K-12 districts is that the IT department “owns” cybersecurity from A to Z.  However, this is a flawed assumption.  Given the increasing threats to technology infrastructure in our districts and the seismic impact of a breach on district finances, community trust and ability to deliver instruction, ownership today for cybersecurity must reside with the entire executive leadership team.  Yet, how do we build expanded buy-in and change internal mindsets so that the result is a district wide cybersecurity ecosystem that addresses not just the technology, but the role of people and processes in securing district assets.  In this interactive workshop, participants will leverage the latest national research from Project Tomorrow on the state of cybersecurity preparation in K-12 districts to envision and then co-develop with other workshop participants a new Cybersecurity Ecosystem Road Map that can be used as an effective template for district implementations.

Tuesday Jan 24,  8 am to 10 am: Anytime, Anywhere Learning:  Internalizing Zero Trust to Support Cybersecurity Preparation  

Increasingly, the education world is embracing anytime, anywhere learning. But the result is new challenges for districts. How are you going to protect key assets and infrastructure when learning is happening seamlessly from home to school to Starbucks? With bad actors across the world intensifying efforts to steal student data and disrupt education systems, it is time to think concretely about the role of the Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) Framework to keep children and their data safe while at the same time advancing a new vision for education.  In this workshop, national experts on Zero Trust Architecture will utilize examples from education and business to support the criticality of a ZTA Framework today. Using that information, participants will engage in tabletop exercises to explore the applicability of ZTA in K-12 education and discuss key challenges in breakout groups. Key workshop insights can inform immediate discussions and decisions in districts.

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