Flexible filtering polices for teachers vs. students across any device on or off network
Avoid a rigid, one size fits all approach to Internet access enabling digital learning
The iboss cloud integrates with network directories to ensure filtering policies are based on a user’s role within the school. The level of granularity for policies are limitless. Roles can be based on teacher vs. student as well as a across students based on grade level. In addition, policies are consistent whether the user is on or off campus. The result is more access to the Internet sites needed across the school to ensure uninterrupted learning.

Dynamically link policies based on Active Directory group or Organizational Unit
The iboss cloud allows policies to be automatically assigned to teachers and students based on mappings within Active Directory or any LDAP enabled system. This includes leveraging eDirectory and Open Directory to map teachers and students to policies. The policies are automatically applied when the teacher or student logs into their device without the need for additional prompts increasing user experience and productivity.
Create override groups that allow teachers to assist on student devices
Override groups allow teachers to bump the policy for any device to another less restrictive policy. This is useful when teachers assist students on student assigned devices. The override groups can still be configured to meet minimum CIPA requirements to allow flexibility but ensure compliance. Override group access is logged and alerts can be sent whenever an override group is used.

Assign default policies by school or district
Policy assignment within the iboss cloud is infinitely flexible. Assigning default policies to schools or districts can be performed using each school’s IP subnet. Each IP subnet can be assigned a different policy allowing for situations such as policies for elementary schools versus a different default policy for high school students. In addition to default policies, student and teacher policies are layered on top dynamically to assign policies on a per user basis.